Citadel DAO Charter (Draft)


We are a decentralized game studio that builds worlds in the community-owned metaverse.


Declaration of Decentralization

From the beginning, The Citadel has endeavored to contribute an example of what we believe a decentralized gaming project can be. Our ethos is encoded in the language of action: we can expect more from founders; we can care more about our communities; we don’t have to resort to trading integrity for attention.

The metaverse is too important to be defined by scam artists and low-effort opportunists. We grew up playing games to escape the world, but increasingly it seems the world wants to become a game. Those of us here now may well decide what kind of game we all end up playing together: co-op or PvP? We can continue on the path of zero-sum total wars waged by those that aren’t here for the right reasons, or we can choose a positive-sum game we design for ourselves.

We’ll need to adopt a different mindset than the one that brought us here. We don’t just need decentralized games, we need participatory game co-creation and co-ownership. When games are more than just games, power should vest in the players. An infinity of worlds should be governed by the multitudes that inhabit them.

We’re building a citadel in the sky as a beacon for what we want the metaverse to be, and for whom we want it to serve.

